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Generation Alpha

Genneration Alpha are kids born in the years 2012-present. They are the offspring of early generation Y's and late gen x's. They are going to be the most educated and tech savvy people that ever lived until the generation after gen alpha. They will basically be generation z 2.0. They don't remember a time before smartphones or facebook. They are some of the first people to experience a new education system in America with iPads and more collaborative learning. Someday they will be the leaders of the world but only time can tell what it will be like.

Woman: "Awww he's so cute, when was he born?"

Parent of Child: "He was born in 2012."

Woman:"He's got a bright future he's a generation alpha baby."

by ImmediateAce September 17, 2013

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Alpha Retard

A mentally handicapped individual who rules over the other mentally under developed in a group. Such behavior is very similar to what is seen in Apes where the Alpha Male plays a dominant position

"The Alpha Retard rules over those other retards with an iron fist..."

by Marvelous 4 Eva July 7, 2003

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Alpha killer

In a group of people the alpha killer is the person taking underdog. When the right moment comes, he will challenge the alpha male of the group and come out victorious because of sheer ability/wit. This effectively embarrasses the alpha.

That guys is a real alpha killer. You know what they say, it's good to be the biggest sheep in the herd, but it's even better to be a wolf.

by CCChinoy July 30, 2014

Young Alpha

Most successful german newcomer
he doesnΒ΄t slay children under 18 ; )

"Frauen sagen zu meim Body: uhh
Meiner Uhr: ahh
Eine Millionen auf Snapchat, mein Level ist Star (yeah)
In der Tasche 50K"

-Young Alpha

by Versuch2 April 24, 2021

Alpha Authority

Alpha Authority AA is a term which shows how much of an Alpha something is, aka a Chad. People who are with Alpha Authority are part of something that has won the highest awards and outdone everyone else by being the first to accomplish something.

Everyone: Yo I heard you're part of the Alpha Authority!! Wicked!
Hadrek: Yeah, ever since it started in 2012. :)

Bryant: Yo, you heard the Alpha Authority won the Bloxys? What a achievement!
Zan: Of course! We are Chads!

Sflux: Heya! I'm an Alpha Authority chad now!
Alpha Authority Chads: Welcome to gang Sflux! :)

by Scriptoria December 19, 2020

Alpha scenario

A situation or circumstance which is dictated and/or enumerated by the presence of one or more alphas.

"Oi boys, let's not stay out too late tonight."

"Nah dude, tonight's going to be an alpha scenario."

by AlphaDemon February 17, 2018

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Alpha Dude

The intelligent man who gets respect.
Derived from having the alpha characteristics and being a dude.

Alpha Male: Im the best 'grunt'
Dude: I'm cool 'mannnn'
Alpha Dude: (says nothing) but displays authority and coolness through his attitude, his skills, body language and communication - while getting the job done.

by mynlpsucks April 3, 2012

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