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grabbing ankle

A term used when describing;
A. Being bent over for capitol punishment.
B. Assuming the position for Prison rape.
C. While sitting on the john, bending down and gripping your ankles in attemp to push harder and also to cope with the pain.

Guy1. Dude what's up with those hand prints on your ankles, that looks really painful!

Guy2. I was grabbing ankle last night

by J.P. The Last Brave Bishop February 11, 2009

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Nice ankles

Since women tend to bend at the waist when they look down, this phrase is a sure-fire way to get a nice look at their butts, while they try to figure out what is so nice about their ankles.

Jack: (to Jill) "Nice Ankles!"
Jill: (bending over to see her nice ankles) "Really?"
Jack: "Oh, most definitely!"

by rcuties December 18, 2008

34πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

ankle grabber

when either a guy or girl is standing up, and they bend over and grab their ankles while recieving anal sex.

as long as there's lube and a condom, i'm an ankle grabber! oh, and hopefully something to bite down on.

by regina.is.smith June 7, 2007

19πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

ankle biter

Someone or something that bites your ankles.
To a postman, an ankle biter is often known as a dog.
To an adult, an ankle biter may be a toddler.
To hikers, an ankle biter is sometimes a tick.
And so on.

"Dang ankle biter took off my whole leg!!"

by the sane maniac February 2, 2004

122πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

breaking ankles

The ability of being able to play b-ball so hard that the opposing team will be breaking their feet and ankles just trying to stop you.

"Yo, this nigga can play ball man! He was runnin' cicrles around me!"
"Yea man, he was breaking ankles out there."

by Information Guy November 15, 2013

37πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Ginger ankles

You have ginger ankles when you are crossed over by a redhead (usually Irish with lots of freckles), but you are the most ghetto person everyone has ever seen.

Lol did u see carrot cake give that ghetto guy ginger ankles?!?!

by Leedel leedel leedel leedel December 6, 2016

Ankles are Broken

To break one’s ankle is to utterly destroy someone, to shit on someone’s face. One may yell β€œyour ankles are broken” as to express the condition in which their opponent performed poorly and the winner demolished his way to victory.

Coach: Go break ankle!
Player: *Touchdown*
Coach: His ankles are broken!

by Broken Anklez February 26, 2020