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1. Person that must be worshipped, loved, and you must be atrracted to them too.
2. An awesome Skater.

Also see CKY FOR Bam (the one you must worship) brother Jess.

1. I love Bam. I love Bam!
2. I wish i could Skate like Bam

by Rebekah January 12, 2004

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bam bam bojizzle

Urban American Slang

A state of irrational exuberance.

Oh my god. Bam bam bojizzle, man, I feel great.

by Paul September 8, 2004

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Hot Mother Fucker, used to be Rad. Then got involved with MTV.. now that can ruin anyone.

"Bam will someday Marry Alora"

by me June 17, 2004

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A tease. Girl who flaunts her assets and talks suggestively but doesn't ever go any further.

See her, she's a bam

You're bamming me up!

by sarah1234 February 26, 2006

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In Cruzan slang: an expletive said after a particularly lame joke.

" What's black and white and read all over?" "I don't know, what?" "A newspaper!" "Bam!"

by ArchieG August 6, 2005

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Bam-bam feet

Dirty or muddy feet after walking around barefoot.

"I walked through the yard to the barn and got bam-bam feet."

by shelbo. June 15, 2009

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It's standsfor 'Bitch Ass Motherfucker', it's slang.

Damn, my german teacher is such a BAM!! (he really is)

by vegard November 11, 2004

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