The absolute scum of the earth. Never wants to have a conversation just prefers playing clash and scrolling instagram reels. Just an absolute TOOL, not even a dick, just a TOOL.
Hey stop that you motherboguer!!!
The act of being a totally rude jerk to someone, or showing someone the acts of being a jerk.
Guy 1:I totally punched out the girl last night
Bryan: Super Bogus
A nicer way of calling somebody a bogus pisson.
Hey, did you know that Gordon is a bogus peeon?
Gordon! You're a bogus peeon, didjya know that? Put that in your bowl and smoke it.
Bum a cigarette.
Derived from bogart a stosh.
Dude, can I bogue a stosh from you?
It's so over. A situation in which you're screwed and the only way to make it through is to lie, mislead, or exaggerate to make it through.
I'm about to lose, it's so bogusmented.