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you smoke so many bogues

by papa preme November 15, 2016


The absolute scum of the earth. Never wants to have a conversation just prefers playing clash and scrolling instagram reels. Just an absolute TOOL, not even a dick, just a TOOL.

Hey stop that you motherboguer!!!

by bawlbawl55 January 21, 2025

Super Bogus

The act of being a totally rude jerk to someone, or showing someone the acts of being a jerk.

Guy 1:I totally punched out the girl last night

Bryan: Super Bogus

by Personal Blend May 18, 2007

bogus peeon

A nicer way of calling somebody a bogus pisson.

Hey, did you know that Gordon is a bogus peeon?

Gordon! You're a bogus peeon, didjya know that? Put that in your bowl and smoke it.

by Telephony2 December 9, 2023

Bogus Butts

A bum ass nigga

Damn he a bogus Butts.

by 5frmda6 January 30, 2023

bogue a stosh

Bum a cigarette.

Derived from bogart a stosh.

Dude, can I bogue a stosh from you?

by stoshbogart April 9, 2004


It's so over. A situation in which you're screwed and the only way to make it through is to lie, mislead, or exaggerate to make it through.

I'm about to lose, it's so bogusmented.

by twimpasta March 20, 2024