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charva town

a place where the best people go !!

“we’re off to charva town”

by alex is a sexy roadman September 23, 2023

charva charm


Charva charm is when a chav is full of charisma. Even though they’re rough- they’re a darling that everybody loves. Typically it’s a cheeky lad who has it, but girls will have it too.

Originates from Newcastle

I love Callum me’
Aye he’s got charva charm hasnt he’

by MissBellabrusco February 20, 2023

Are we active charvas

A phrase used by burger Bay nelson to greet their customers and motivate staff.

Are we active charvas

by Burger Bay Nelson June 28, 2022

Charva night

Friday night where the real charvas get together and go wild, people may try to copy into the saturday but they will never be real charvas like us.

it’s charva night mush

by therealcharvas June 12, 2022