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Chigger definition means a male organized Gang-Stalker, it is a slur towards male organized gang stalkers who are gang stalking you and your friends in the hood very hard. Gabriel Castillo created this term for Gangstalkers

*A gang stalker walks up your street and waves his hands while nodding their head.* You see this from your front porch and then say "fuck you chigger, leave me and my family alone, you need Jesus and to stop gang stalking me you fucking chigger. *Gang Stalker hears this and calls in to the other Gang Stalkers sending more Gang Stalkers up your street to surveil you, waving their hands at you while nodding their heads at you these complete random stranger motherfuckers." You scream at the Gang Stalkers "get the fuck out of my hood you fucking chiggers or I am going to have to molly whop you chiggers to your city Chadoria/chiggerdoria where you come from, if you are looking you smell stanky you need to go back to where you come from you evil gangstalking chiggers, leave me alone you fucking chiggers, you scare me and you guys look like debelhead/devil, fuck you chiggers leave me alone.

by TheClique27 June 20, 2024


A black persons chicken nuggets or chicken niggers

Yo these chiggers fire

by Jamals chicken August 22, 2019


A word to describe someone that is extremely fat and obese.

Are you still eating ? you're a real Chiggers man

by RichardGrecko October 6, 2021


A disobedient slave who is part Jewish and a nigger

My chigger wont get in the field

by Chris mclean September 25, 2019


A Chinese wigger

Damn look at that chigger

by stuffc September 10, 2019


A racist slur against Chinese people

Oh God here goes those Chiggers censoring us again.

by 🍼🥛 November 27, 2020


An onomatopoeia used to describe the motion of a steam locomotive

Chigger chigger choo choo, went the train

by Frederick Yeo November 18, 2023