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a cute way to put "child labor"

Mom: go do your chores!
Son: Isn't that just forcing me to do labor?
Mom: ...

by *LoadsShotgun* May 11, 2021


Do do a around the house task for a given amount of money

Do all your chores and you will get a dollar.

by Ktkemp July 3, 2015


Newark slang meaning steal

You chored my ruler

by issateenthing August 13, 2018


The opposite of sure. Can also be used in an context as a way to as emphasis.

Guy 1: “Yo bro it’s really cold out”
Guy 2: “Chore, it’s 85 degrees out”

by Max Whitlock November 7, 2020


Means the opposite of the word “sure.” Mainly used to express disapproval of an idea or action.

Friend 1: “Hey let’s play board games this Friday night.”

Friend 2: “Chore bro, I want to go out and get destroyed Friday.”

by Max Whitlock November 19, 2018


Chores at a serious of task asked to done by a child in this case when the adult is being lazg/doesn't want to do it

Hey John can you plz do the chores

by Realistically Loyal April 21, 2018


This word is usually used for politician in Pakistan who belongs to PMLN, someone close to Shareef family is often called by this word in public, original word in Urdu means thief.

Nawaz shareef chore hay
Nawaz shareef is chore

by Miraj101 August 13, 2022