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kid cruncher

A large truck or SUV built for American streets after 2020.
Common features include tall fronts with hoods that are nearly flat, such as the 2022 Ford F150.

I was walking to the park yesterday with little Susie and a kid cruncher ran a stop sign and nearly killed her!

by Janatan September 6, 2023

cornstarch cruncher

A word to describe a usually typical white make or female because they don’t have much taste in food.

That ratchet slut was also a damn cornstarch cruncher not even seasoning her food.

by JayPatelBabes8 December 11, 2021

California Clit Cruncher

The act of taking a pair of pliers to rip off a woman’s clitoris, then blowing a large cloud of meth smoke in her asshole while shooting her family

Went to the bank today and the woman in line was being a bitch, so i gave her the california clit cruncher and she shut up really quickly

by BigCocobutterD May 1, 2019

pie cruncher

A derogatory term that originated in the 1930's Australian depression, referring to unemployed people in line for the free food van.

"Oi look at that povo Pie cruncher, cunt can't get his own chow"

by Chow Chomper August 22, 2015

Tite cruncher

so basically you hit a fortnite dab, then proceed to topple a communist government and liberate a slovakian country

vro, im finna Tite cruncher this mf on jailbreak

by Le epic 9gagger December 21, 2018

Cornish cruncher

An act of felatio delivered to a Cornishman, featuring the sporadic use of teeth on the member. As such, a Cornish cruncher is best delivered by someone with protruding front teeth.

"I tell you, boy. That wench Vicky gave me a right Cornish cruncher last night. Lovely jubbly..."

by Bayesoir December 31, 2020

capsule cruncher

A person who chews, or crunches, on the capsule instead of swallowing it normally with water.

" I'm not a capsule cruncher, I swear!"

by kitkatINSOMNIAC March 15, 2024