Your father after all four of his kids attend college! In debt to his eyes after student loans...
~Also the name of a viral episode from the viral tv show by TLC called Extreme Cheapskates...
Poor Kelsy, her dad has five kids and they all just graduated last week. Her father knows debt!
A piece of plastic where your debt is stored
Should’ve replaced “credit card” with “plastic debt rectangle”
A common practice in modern times whereas a wedding will be arranged in a far away land at an inconsiderately inordinate cost to the guests; this results in one of two scenarios in which the guest is either condemned into debt to attend or condemned into the endless shame of missing a loved one's wedding.
"Hey, are you going to Veronica's wedding at that $2k/night, 7 star hotel in Dubai?"
"No way dude... I rather suffer the shame any day over attending that debt-stination wedding..."
Buying things for your friends with the understanding that they will cover you next time and not be a cheap-ass parasite.
"Shit, I spent my last $20 on that gigalo."
"I'll get your Taco Bell tonight. No worries."
"Are you sure?"
"As long as you cover my White Castle tomorrow. Friendly Debt Rotation."
when u like have shit ur owed and like but its on ur credit card
oh shit i got credit card debt guess i'll die or shit
A feel-good news story that covers a good deed but often fails to cover or ask what caused that person to said deed.
Named after the countless feel-good stories of school students raising money to pay off lunch debt that don't ask why students need to worry about being able to afford food.
"Jimmy here has raised $20,000 to keep 30 live puppies from being vaporized by the Puppy-Incenerator 5000. Next up, we have yet another heart-warming lunch debt story."
We, the people of the free world, owe George W. Bush a huge debt of gratitude.
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