Jimmy your shirts on backwards you DFS
Patrick you're such a DFS
A cute Japanese font that was used in some English translation of Japanese games in the PS2/Gamecube/Wii era. Has Times New Roman's exclamation and question marks, making it look comical, and this font looks adventurous and girly
Sometimes being the primary font, sometimes being the tertiary font (meaning less frequently used)
Still used today, but less common and you can find it on Chinese kids fashion and maybe some Chinese fashion for women
"Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Romancing Saga (PS2), and Tales of Symphonia (GCN) uses DF Fuun as the primary font"
"Breath of Fire: Dragon's Quarter uses DF Fuun as the damage/heal/effect font"
"Some girl kids fashion including underwears uses DF Fuun in their texts"
New York Dumb Fucking Slugs who have giant egos and no brains? Yep that’s them.
Those people from the NY DFS? Oh yeah those dumb fucking slugs?