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Doo Doo Square

A square in which is made of fecal matter.

I accidentally made a Doo Doo Square…”
“Omg is that a Doo Doo Square!?”

Sometimes the word may be used as a feeling or descriptive word:

“I feel like a Doo Doo Square…”
Rodney, you look totally Doo Doo square today!”

by The Roblox Baddies™️ March 26, 2022

1👍 1👎

Doo Doo Hour

At a certain point past midnight, after not sleeping for a long time, your brain feels like it has turned to mush and nothing is easily comprehended. Your friends can not make fun of you for the stupid things you say once Doo Doo hour has started.

"What's two plus two?"
"Uhh, Six?"
"What the fuck man, it's four."
"pause oh shit, you're right. It's Doo Doo Hour."

by Eschenbach and Puchley April 2, 2008

doo doo throat

Someone with the foulest of breath as if a piece of doo doo is lodged in the throat.

Yo, Pete has a bad case of doo doo throat.

by Brian Vigliotta January 13, 2008

14👍 3👎

doo doo glay

A word with no real definition.

Possible Variations:

by larstait October 23, 2003

14👍 3👎

Doo Doo Head

A girl whos breath stinks. Comminly used by the young rapper known as "Soulja Boy".

Girl back up yous a doo doo head.

by Filthe Clean May 11, 2006

262👍 117👎

Doo-Doo Vapor

Doo-Doo Vapor is a substance which, although not deadly, is very unpleasant and should be avoided at all costs. Doo-Doo Vapor occurs when somebody has decided to take a shower but also has to take a dump (in a bathroom where the toilet and shower are in the same room).

If this person makes the mistake of taking the dump first, flushes and then gets ready to take a shower, everything seems fine. However, when the shower has started, the steam created by the hot water binds with tiny floating objects referred to in the scientific community as "doo-doo particles". After a few minutes, the person in the shower is now surrounded by air that smells like shit and is breathing it in. A valuable lesson is learned.

Millions of people a year come in contact with Doo-Doo Vapor. If you enter a bathroom that has doo-doo vapor in the air, exit immediately and scorn whoever took a shit and a shower one after the other before you.

by Skeeter McDougal April 28, 2006

30👍 10👎


a box in dutch

he there is a doos over there maby someting is in it

by uncle sucker November 1, 2003

31👍 61👎