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1) noun; one who loves the anal beads and butthole pleasures and professional fudge packing. 2) verb;to give anal pleasure.
most likely a green bay packers fan because he loves to pack fudge.

1) Man you're being such an elias right now! He stuck a what up his ass? What an elias.

2) Dude this chick was so crazy, she tried to elias me last night.

by dudemcduderson December 3, 2007

30πŸ‘ 206πŸ‘Ž


en illa luktande person.

oftast sedd i foppa toffler, tshirts och bad shorts.

har 5 schnitzlar men ber gΓ€rna om en extra om tar bort lite ris.

va fan Γ€r det som luktar??
nej de bara elias.

by eliasfanbase123 September 17, 2020

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A guy fucking all the other men, he is a man among men, he does not know where to stop when it comes other men. He is hella gay, if he saw a pussy, he would 100% of the time... Puke.

"Watchout Boys! Elias might come find you in the shower! You do not want that to happen."

by NiggerWamen December 3, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


an elias is someone who doesn’t really give a shit about your feelings. they are mostly focused on themselves and frequently try to make people feel bad for them. despite their selfishness they can care about you if you earn their trust.

Amy: have you seen that girl going around gossiping and making herself seem so cool?

Me: She’s such an elias

by peach-e.roses May 7, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


One hecking small UwU bwean

Gorl: That UwU guy is vewy UwU
Gorl 2: yeah that's Elias :3

by Biggayfurry December 13, 2018

5πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


an Elias has a Square head he's not tall and lauch when he's freind die he's ugly

and he always late.

Yesterday i met a gay Elias that wanted to give me a sloppy toppy

by Shooter_Gay June 18, 2020

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Always complaining he wants to die and puts everyone around him in a bad mood just by his retared prescense and low self asteem

Dude is that an elias, shit dude lets get out of here

by aqwertyuio May 30, 2020

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