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An ass hole,slut,hoe just a bitch always cheats on her partner

Has no remorse for anyone soulless

Always sad and not a good person to be around

Girl 1:wow she is such a hoe she sleeps with every guy she meets

Girl 2:ya she is such a Emilia

by JJseewa August 31, 2019

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Emilia Fart

My lord and savior

Trisha Paytas: Ok

by yngskel23 March 30, 2019

emilia fart

an icon

such an emilia fart
such an icon

by ghasssen May 29, 2018

Smol Emilia

A Really short mf from re:zero. Mf smaller than the smallest thing in the universe.

Shit itโ€™s smol Emilia you can barely see it.

by Smolemiliaisshort August 25, 2021

Dr. Emilia

Dr. Emilia is a woman who does not like listening to people. She is genuinely smart and pretty but she treats others like pawns more than people

"I met someone today who brushed off my concerns about their safety, she was a total Dr. Emilia"

"My sister hates taking constructive criticism, she doesn't believe she can be wrong. She is a Dr. Emilia"

by Snackleggg June 28, 2020

Emilia Saams

Emilia Saams is one of the best people I know and one of the most important people to me. She never fails to make me laugh and she always has a smile on her face. AND SHE REALLY LOVES FOOD. If you ever find someone like her in your life hold them close and never let them go. Yo Emilia if you find this the person who sits across from you in third period wrote this. Hope yo like it - from little_br0wnb0y

Yooo is that Emilia Saams bro I would do anything to be friends with her

by Little_br0wnb0y January 15, 2019

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Likes putting her legs on people. Socially awkward. Gets in bad moods really easily. Emotionless.

Why is Emilia/Amelia so dead inside?

by Emlo June 23, 2019

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