A slang term for hickey used by res kids
"fuck guy ya can't come to work with a fuckin Indian engagement ring on eh? Fuck"
A hickey
"fuck guy, ya can't come to fuckin work with an Indian engagement ring on eh? Fuck."
1. a feeling of intense anger, during the act of engaging correspondence or establishing dialog.
2. an arrangement to advocate or commit violent behavior.
“My enragement engagement got the best of me, when I found out Shirley fucked my husband.”
“His enragement engagement showed, when he found out his boss fucked a government clerk to get the job.”
When you have proposed marriage and in the process of planning the marriage with person.
We are finally engaged to be married.
When you are engaged for more than one year.
My brother has been engaged with his fiancé for a couple years now. Quite a Beesly Engagement.
the point at which you began to ready Definition # one of Failsauce Engage
about just after you clicked on Failsauce Engage