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A city.

"England it's my city"

by Gonzava October 7, 2017


Nick Crompton's city.

Nick Crompton: England is my city!

English government: You are no longer a citizen of England.

by Spodermen2121 z July 31, 2017


The home of roadmen.

England is where all the roadmen are. Don’t go there.

by glosposts March 3, 2019


Is a shitehole usually hated by any of it's previous colonies

1) Scotland absolutely fucking hate England

2)Catholics, Republicans and Nationalists of Norn Iron FUCKING HATE ENGLAND TO THE CORE

3)Anyone from Ireland (understandably)

4)Any African country they colonised and brutally supressed the people in for example. South Africa

5)Any American except the government and the don't know the difference between uk and gb

6)Last but not least, all French monarchy(though we all know what happened to them

Scotish fella: Do you hate England

Cath from NI: Eigh I feckin' hate 'em

Irish lad: same 'ere

Any African person who's country they : Fucking hate the place

American lad(he is 0.00000000000001% Irish): Absolutely hate 'em

Louis XVI: πŸ’€

by Dr Fictious November 16, 2022


<noun> Geography;

The largest and most populous country in Great Britain, the largest island of an archapelago located 20 miles to the North-West of the European continent. England has borders with Scotland and Wales; Elsewhere, it is mainly bounded by the North sea and the English Channel.
It's capital city is London, which is also it's main economical and governmental heart. The government itself is known as a parliamentary democracy consisting of political parties whose members are elected into 'seats' in the House of Commons. Each member represents a constituency (usually a city or group of towns) and if elected is then known as an MP or Member of Parliament.
The Monarchy of England is symbolic and plays no powerful role in the political system, although they are the rulers of the State, and the Commonwealth by name.
London is also the capital city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, with it's members: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (in order of land mass).
Britain had the largest empire ever known, covering just under one third of the Earth's surface, on which "the sun never set."

==> The name 'England' derives from "Angle-Land" from the Anglo-Saxons who settled here in the 4th-8th centuries A.D. Which also explains foreign names for our country, e.g. "Angleterre" in French.

ENGLISH PERSON: "I am from England."

ENGLISH PERSON 2: "Oh. Me too."

by Stuart Fletcher May 15, 2005

30πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


greatest country in the world, unfortunately with the stupidest prime minister in the world, and the only reason america is actually there!

england rocks,so much more than america it's almost untrue!

by philash June 22, 2005

44πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


A country that invented many things: Steam locomotives, the computer, football, jet engine, the industrial revolution, the early tank and many more.

England also took over 1/3 of the world with the help of Wales and Scotland once they were all united. English is the 3rd biggest language in the world with up to 1.8 billion people that can speak the language.

England is also one of the most hated countries in the world due to england being in almost every war in modern history and then winning most of the wars.

Englands oldest foe was France as both countries had been at war mostly all the time beggining from the middle ages till France was defeated some time around 1800

England is united with scotland, wales and northern ireland

by tatersss December 15, 2010

11πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž