Source Code

general protection fault

An internet comic

by Arran August 3, 2003

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it's-my-parents-fault-thing (impft)

what teenage girls say when their parents say "no" to something they really wanted to do.

k: hi girl, are you ok, you look sad.
a: yea, i know...i really wanted to go somewhere but my old-fashioned parents wouldn't let me.
k: really? is it one of those it's-my-parents-fault-thing (impft)?
a: kinda. it sucks.
k: hmm...impft... get over it.

by k'me March 6, 2011

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it’s not my fault you don’t like girls

a way of projecting your feelings for your best friend, or another way of saying yo im gay

“You’re ruining everything and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?”
Els not stupid. It’s not my fault you don’t like girls!”

by byler is real April 22, 2021

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Please remove Kris Wu or Li Jiaheng from jail or he is a celebrity lol it's Syamsul Yusof fault

Please remove Kris Wu or Li Jiaheng from jail or he is a celebrity lol it's Syamsul Yusof fault

Please remove Kris Wu or Li Jiaheng from jail or he is a celebrity lol it's Syamsul Yusof fault

by Handle100 August 8, 2023

Pere's Fault

Mythology has delivered us many ways to divert the blame, which is a very important aspect of surviving in the professional world and especially the technical space. When something goes wrong, and you need to blame somebody Pere is there, because after all, it's his fault.

Pere is the colocial Spanish god of mistakes. Anything and everything is Pere's fault.

Oh, crap the server died and we lost $3m in transactions! It's Pere's Fault!

by TechHammer July 26, 2022

Yeager's Fault

A humorous slip up, that one could not possibly make sober, and yet still did.

Man, did you hear what happened to Matt? He got laughed out by his date because he forgot to shave the right half of his balls.

Holy shit, he had to be drunk.

Surprisingly not, just a massive Yeager's Fault on his part. I'd hate to be him right now.

by VascaltheRascal October 24, 2022


an issue or a problem that has arisen by the fault or incompetence of a complete idiot.

Brian - "What the hell is this mess ive been emailed??"

Rick - "Oh yeah sorry i meant to tell you, that is a direct Neander-Fault from Brett in accounts"

by slendyc October 18, 2011