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the urban dictionary lewd sex act formula

A method of finding a variety of otherwise disgusting sexual acts. The formula is as follows: (insert nationality) (insert optional adjective) (insert noun).

Scottish windmill, mexican microwave,Alaskan Fire Dragon, the urban dictionary lewd sex act formula

by ...Heiiisssennnberrg... September 27, 2013

42👍 38👎

Nina's formula for getting rid of responsibility

Getting rid of resposibility in case you are the one who has to choose something !

Works in any case. "...I do want if that's what *you* want".

You can use any verb you need.

WARNING: Can be super annoying.

Nina's formula for getting rid of responsibility can be used in following situations...
"Do you want me to come over ?"
"I do, if you want."

"Which pizza should I order for us ?"
"I want the one you want the most."

by Kee27 August 3, 2018

1👍 2👎

Rizzdratic Formula

The rizzdratic formula is the Formula used by people on how to pull females. Usually the rizzdratic formula can help pull any girl no matter how bad or how ugly. The rizzdratic formula is learnt over a period of time and not in a short time span

Miles Ivey used the rizzdratic formula to pull Madison Hester

by Iam that guy 433 October 12, 2023

Steinmeier Formula

Bully someone for years and then sulk when you are not invited to the parties and events.

Also knows as "being a steinmeir"

"Do not be such a steinmeir!"

"why are you pulling steinmeir? you were a dick for so many years, why sulk now?!"
"Oh, he is sulking again and using Steinmeier formula! What a child"
"Andrew is such a steinmeir, I'm so tired of his bullshit"

by antïn April 13, 2022

Formula Raped

When you take a math test and you KNOW how to do every single one of the problems, but have forgotten the formulas in order to answer any of the questions

Test Question: "Find the distance between the points (1,1) and (7,3)."

You: Fuck, what was the distance formula again?

After the test: Man that test really formula raped me.

by Maxog December 19, 2013

QM Formula

It's a unit of energy based on joules, but scaled down for use with electrons.

Qora Theory gives the formula for QM^0-5

QM Formula

by Quidavar December 22, 2022

The creeper's formula

= (Man's age) + 14 - 2 * (Woman's age) is the creepers formula. It calculates the number of years a creep has to wait before a woman is within the socially acceptable age range to date, according to the "Half Plus Seven" rule.

Ordinarily say if a man is 36, the woman has to be at least "Half Plus Seven", meaning 25. That's fine, but what if the man is a 36 year old creeper and he meets a 20 year old he wants to date. He can't. He has to wait a certain number of years until she's within the "Half Plus Seven" range.

That's when you use the above formula.

So if the guy is 36, first you add 14. That gives you 50. Next you subtract twice her age (40) and subtract that from 50, you get i10. That means he have to wait 10 years.

Let's test this out.

The 36 year old creep, in 10 years will be 46
The 20 year old girl, in 10 years will be 30.

Validating with the Half Plus Seven rule: Half of 46 is 23, plus 7 is 30. Voila!

Alice: I'm only 20. You're 36. I'm too young for you.
Bob: Well, according to the creeper's formula we can date in ten years.
Alice: bet

by artist6000 December 19, 2024