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She's a BITCH, she cries all the time, can't do a simple task, tells everyone your secrets, and complains that she has no friend but will take yours. Oh, she also will threaten to kill her self but blames you for saving her life. She also hits you for no reason, sprays water in your face, drives you to the point where you just want to kill her. She will make fun of the guys you like. Talk about being abused when she has never been through what I have endured. She thought I was going to end up killing myself out of starvation when she is the one who was making fun of my weight. But I'm not innocent either, she likes to eat, nothing wrong with that, but I used it to my advantage. She always asks for extra food. So when I starved my self, (yeah she was right, but drove me to do it) I would give her my food. She has since gained weight and is about 130 to 140, maybe even 150. I turned into one of the mean girls.

:( oops sorry Freya

mean sorry Freya

by broken tree branch May 19, 2019

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Angry freya

When a girl walks up to you whips out her breasts and starts smacking you with them back and fourth across the face

Yesterday I got home and my wife looked at me and gave me the angry freya

by ANGRY WRITER 01 February 5, 2018

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Dirty freya

Poop lmao

Dirty freya

Poop p00p p0öp pœp põop pøœp.(period sis)

by Fucking every name is taken October 28, 2020

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freya heath

freya heath is a girl born on the 13th of august 2007 who is most likely going to be famous in the future.

oh wow thats freya heath
ye she is probably going to be famous

by iamalittlesnake February 1, 2021

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Freya Cushman

this is the most amazing and smartest person ever!

oh shes as smart as Freya Cushman

by WytonJedi May 3, 2021

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national freya day

national freya day is where we appreciate all the cool freya’s we know

November 15th

person 1: bro it’s november 15 and you haven’t complimented freya
person 2: oh yeah, it’s national freya day
person 2: i’m so excited to praise freya today

by lolaaaaaaaaaaa June 6, 2022

esme freya shires

A cute, perfect, amazinggggg, fun, out going, understanding girl that I luv with my life she is so special and understands you in the hardest times she also is really funny and is super interesting always being nice and cute. She is also my favourite person in the world she is my luv and life and I can't ever stop thinking of her, it's such an honour and privilege to be with her and you could be the luckiest person in the world to have someone as perfect as her she will never let you down

Esme Freya Shires is so cute, so cute

by Mr homless September 29, 2020