An arse germ is a lowlife scumbag who was conceived from left over jism running down an arse crack. They are closely related genetically to shit cunts
You are a fuckin lower than a shit cunt mate. You're nothin but a slimy fuckin arse germ.
Something that you call somebody that you want to, and or should avoid.
"You fuck wit' diamond bruh?..."
"Nah bruh, that bitch a germ...."
Germ (guh, erm). You say it after a serious sentence to uplift the mood.
P1: "How are you germ?"
P2: "I'm okay, kinda sad germ"
A derogatory term for Germans implying that they're a germ, staining this world.
"Ew, is that a Germ?"
An inconveniencing person.
"People be on some weird shit out here... You just got to stick to yourself."
"Nah, I feel it, people be germs sometimes."
A disgusting and annoying freshmen
Fuck off germ before I beat the piss out of you
a nickname for that one guy called jeremy
jeremy: hi!
you: hey germ
jeremy: :(
you: .)