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get your balls up

To overcome your fear, to act despite your fright and show some confidence by being a man.

When you are scared to walk over to that pretty girl your friend tells you to get your balls up.

by natralman March 11, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

get your bread up

make money

Person 1: I spent too much money on bud this month and now I can't make rent.
Person 2: Damn homie stop trippin' and get your bread up.

by exzisd May 7, 2019

23๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get someone's Irish up

Being severely pissed off.

Please don't get my Irish up.

by Saints February 24, 2005

82๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

get ya weight up

verb: The process of increasing your street crediblity, can be applied to appearance, clothing, reputation, or finacial status.

"How are you goin to let Ronnie punk you like that, you need to get your weight up!"

"You still wearing them played out Boss overalls with the one strap down...Get ya weight up!"

by Sheila and Jennifer September 17, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get a mullet up ya

Get a mullet up ya

A yesteryear saying from the late 1980's used by the average down to earth Aussie bloke, generally around the pub whilst heavily intoxicated. It can be either used as an insult or term of endearment depending on the situation it is said in.
A modified version can also be used for upper class persons:- one should take a mullay and insert it up oneself.

Example of an insult :-
Scene โ€“ At the pub, both Johnno and Bazza are sloshed. They do not like each other.
Johnno : Hey Bazza, you come round ere again and I'm gonna smack you down.
Bazza : Ya know what Johnno, go get a mullet up ya!

Example of endearment
Scene โ€“ At the pub, both Dazza and Leslie are maggot whilst playin pool. Dazza pulls off a randomly flukey shot and sinks the black and wins the game. They are friends.
Leslie :- Well fuck me Dazza, get a mullet up ya, ya rad caaaarnt!!!
Dazza :- Hahaha yeah bro, get a mullet up ya too!!! (bro hug takes place)

by REDDORDOP April 19, 2017

get your weight up

"Get your weight up means I don't care if you're at school, I don't care if you're working at McDonald's, it's all about elevation in life. It's all about taking your life to the next step, and that's what I mean by that. I see a lot of people who run around here, man, and they just talk all the time about dope, and it ain't just about the streets and you getting your weight up. I know a lot of school cats who are trying to achieve their goals themselves, so whatever goals you achieve is getting your weight up." -Stank

Quit fuckin' around and get your weight up homie.

by Erdos July 11, 2008

205๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

all of my friends we get turnt up


when you getting turnt over a lit song


by TURNTASFBIH September 13, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž