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ghetto hopper

A person who thinks they're ghetto but they're not

Someone that jumps back and forth from being ghetto, to being a prep, back to being ghetto

A person who think they've grown up in a tough neighborhood, but really have been raised by a fairly wealthy wealthy family, in a nice neighborhood

Mariah Carey - she always says she grew up poor, but she grew up in one of the richest neighborhoods of Long Island

by sly ahe May 9, 2005

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johnny hoppers

the law enforcement agency know as the "Police" or "Coppers"

The johnny hoppers will catch you if you blow up the old mans house

by Michael Evans April 3, 2004

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shelter hopper

A female who goes from a homeless shelter to a domestic violence shelter to receive free help.

I just helped this woman who needed some money for gas to go to the doctor.

Why what is wrong with her situation?Is she homeless?
Yes she just left the shelter she was in because she didn't feel safe with the erratic behaviour of some of the other residents. They were threatening her.

So is she having to live in her car now?
No she is at a women's shelter that can help with the trauma of being abused and threatened. It's safer for her.

She has no family to keep her safe and she is alone. She had to leave another countythat was helping her because she kept getting attacked and she has P. T. S. D. Now she is here for safety reasons.

Oh girl I hate to sound mean but she is a shelter hopper from the sounds of it.

What is that?
Someone whooped shelter to shelter to get free help and plays victim.

by Missa Anne January 25, 2018

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toad hopper

When someone fucks a girl with genital warts and eats her out while saying ribbity

Hey James I heard you gave her a toad hopper how was it?
It tasted like metal and it burns my cock when I piss

by Bob Sullivan March 20, 2014

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bog hopper

An Irishman.

A common expression for a couple of centuries.

Here comes that bog hopper and his goat.

by The Wog Whomper May 1, 2005

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grenade hopper

A person who hits on the ugly girl (grenade) of the group so that his buddies can take the rest of the hot girls.

The grenade hopper made it possible for us to date Amber and Britney, he's a real hero.

by Pujols April 23, 2006

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border hopper

a mexican that hopped his ass over the border to the USA.

"I'm gonna need to see a green card you damn border hopper."

by Steve Deed March 3, 2005

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