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Ibrahim ghayaty

Ibrahim is the most handsome person u will ever meet he’s good looking smart, funny, and good at football also he is the most kind hearted, and caring person you’ll ever meet


by Ibrahim ghayaty August 19, 2022


A real slut. He loves women and feeds of them especially toxic women who will ruin his life but at the same time is a good guy who can make a girl happy.

Ibrahime is shit. Ibrahime got 0 hoes.

by A fine hoe October 10, 2021


Very good and smart boy

I am as smart and handsome as Ibrahim /s, i would never be as good as him

by Totally not Ibrahim April 12, 2022


Being defined as who's against the Chinese government and multi-billionaires because they buy and sell user datas. He is also waiting for Korean girls to put his marvelous gigantic rhino meat in.

Korean girl: Hi İbrahim! Do you see that skyscraper?
ibrahim: That's my dick.

by sikichy November 21, 2021


Ibrahim is a good friend. Sure maybe he’ll forget your birthday but that’s only ever happened twice and you’ll probably text for two years straight without ever really seeing each other so you can’t be 100% sure if maybe he’s just a figment of your imagination or not.. but he’s cool

if ibrahim forgets my birthday again, our friendship is over!

by lawnuh November 23, 2021


I love him - Kali

He’s the most beautiful boy to exist, Ibrahim Hussain

by Ibrahims’ slut May 11, 2022


me: are you ready for the holidays
ibrahim: 0_o
me: fr

when the; nutsack lol

ibrahim: zamn 😍

by shinji November 22, 2021