Based on the principle of schooling fish. If you get enough Nerds, Dweebs, and Neck-beards online, you will have less chance of being singled-out by Internet Trolls, or Online Predators.
There are so many people online, that we have achieved total Nerd Immunity.
The worst traitor you'll ever meet.
Makes you sick at the worst times.
I couldn't wait to go out with my friends. That's until I got sick the same day.
My immune system must have committed suicide.
An equivalent slang term to "Let's Go Brandon" when being asked about your non-vaccinated status about the current COVID-19 shot. This lawyer-like term is used because "it's none of your business" and "it is my choice" is no longer socially acceptable. Made popular by MVP Quarterback Aaron Rodgers.
MEDIA: "Hey Aaron, have you been vaccinated?"
AARON RODGERS: "I'm immunized."
Complete immunity for party denied sexual favours from censure from the party denying sexual favours until conjugation occurs.
-- So he wanted to do it, she didn't, he went out to play cards instead, and she got mad about that.
-- Seems to me that he has dumplomatic-immunity until they hook-up, just like the week before when she was game and he faced challenges.
if you text this to the group chat anything you say after it goes unjudged and won't be held against you.
"if i tell you you'll get mad."
"use the immunity necklace and i won't."
GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency) Is Another name for AIDS before it was changed in 1983.
The name is Pretty Self Explanatory, GRID Happens to most Homosexual men.
"Sir you have GRID"
"What's that"
"Gay Related Immune Deficiency"
"Why is it called like that"
when you use the AirBar so frequently that your airways become inhospitable for COVID-19
My girlfriend has the virus but somehow I didn't get it, it's that AirBar immunity.