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Iยดve read something on-line, that the "i" would stand for internet, and "pod", cam from the movie 2001 - pod is a compartment or sth. like that. Somewhere else you can find a definition like portable music player. So I guess my definition for iPOD, would be, internet portable music player driver.

I donยดt own an iPOD, once the other MP3 players work exaclty the same way.

by Sam Damasceno March 23, 2007

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The best thing this world's come up with. contains usually around 500-1000+ songs. battery life around 12-24 hours
small, compact. used by millions of people around the world
the only thing that i need to survive in this world. yes i am a scene kid but w.e

my ipod never leaves me. its always in my ears no matter where i am

by together we fall April 28, 2007

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it is and mp3
might not be the greatest in the world
This mp3 cost 200 dollars more or less
The entirely pure purpose of an ipod is to listen to music
not to watch movies or music videos.
If not good music ,at least music
If you truly love your ipod as much you love music you will buy a case for it or take care of it as much as possible
and not buy the latest ipod because it's not the ipod you love it's the music

Cost of and Ipod:It is enough for those starving children in those 3rd world countries to survive
and your parents work hard every day ( or not ) to earn the money that buys your ipod
Teenager:mom !!!!! dad!!!!!!!! get me the ipod ____
Mom and Dad: Of course we shall because we like to spoil our child mindlessly

by Inahzi13 February 21, 2008

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ipods are just another way to help the big computer companies to take over the world. they are horible!!!! i know at least 40 people who got one for christmas, the same exact thing!! and the same thing happens to all of them! i know like 5 people who spent like 400 bucks on the god damn video ones, which are also rip-offs, and they have huge gouges across the screen already. the only reason why people buy them is so they look cool, its just apple trying a corporate take-over!!!!

Do not buy IPODS!!!!! they are stupid! there are at least 100 better mp3 players for less than half the price!!!

by acdcrules January 5, 2006

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a disorder in which the inhabitant ignores people while listening to his ipod, causes inhabitant to pretend not to hear people, when he/she knows your talking to him, also refered to as being an asshole

caused by a parisite known as ipods

list of parisites: ipod shuffle, ipod 30gb, ipod 40gb, ipod nano, ipod mini, and all other ipods

mother:i think somethings wrong with my son!
doctor: you son has a severe case of ipoditis
mother:is there a cure:
doctor: yeah (takes ipod and smashes it)
kid: what the hell are you doing!?
doctor: withdrawl symptoms should last about a week...

by johnathan in alabama December 29, 2006

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When a song is good enough for your Apple iPod, you say it's ipodable.

1: Did you like that techno song?
2: It was OK, but definitely not ipodable.

by Yoshiballs May 29, 2010

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Provided by the company Apple, it lets you play songs in the version of a mp3 music format. It also lets you play videos and movies, as well as let you view photos. You can add contacts to your iPod, notes, and can play various games. You can download more stuff at the iTunes store. iPods have a variety of colors and types, all differences by gigabytes and size.

I think I'm lucky to have a 8GB iPod Nano.

by MisaTange July 6, 2009

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