to state an incredible fact, make people believe it, and then admit that you're full of shit with the monotonous utterance of, "no, no, im not" or "no, no, it isn't."
I climbed mount everest once,........ "No, No, I haven't." said in a totally serious manner with a monotone. Hahaha, you've been joeled.
69👍 52👎
So yassss
Person : this guy is so GAY I bet he’s named Joel or something…😧 terryfiying
If you ever meet a joel, NEVER let him go. The literal definition of a keeper. He's hella sweet and kind. If you date a joel, never ever let him go. the most cutest, hottest, (amazing-est?) boy youll ever meet. He can be quite annoying but he will always love you and that makes up for that. he'll take you out on the cutest dates and has quite a thing for movies.
Person one: ugh theres joel being hella cute again
Person two:you and him are literally the cutest couple
Person one: I know!! best boyfriend ever❤️❤️
Joel is a cool guy, he is pretty chill, friends with practically everybody, and can be a bit odd, a good friend and a great teammate.
Who’s that over there?
That’s Joel, how do you not know him?