The addiction of going to karaoke events, whether as a performer or strictly as an audience member. Usually contracted unexpectedly after attending karaoke night a single time, probably with very strong encouragement from a friend the moment they heard someone they knew was ‘curious’ about it.
Friend 1: I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more karaoke!
Friend 2: sounds like you’ve got a severe case of karaoke fever.
karaoke utilizing, with ads, beer, and the best goddamn karaoke host on the planet. just like a normal karaoke, except better. 🥾🦵🎤.
y’all going to Bootleg Karaoke tonight??
karaoke: a form of entertainment, in which individual members of the public sing.
graffiti: a form of vandalism involving painted text or images in public places.
karaoke graffiti: a form of art, in which individual members of the public paint song lyrics in public places.
One graffiti artist sang a karaoke song, while painting the song lyrics in a mural. That artist created "karaoke graffiti."
A sanitation cover used in microphones on Karaoke machines for hygienic purpose
"Dude let me hit the bathroom first.. While that, won't you put the Karaoke condom on the microphones?"
The pose one is in when on one knee providing a blow job and holding the shaft of the penis like a microphone.
I took that girl home for some drop knee karaoke, turns out she is a really good singer!
1. Chari.
2. The person who wins the Karaoke Barkeeper at The Third Annual Yes Theory Fam Discord Awards aka Chari
3. A Karaoke Barkeeper is not someone who sings, but one who interacts, encourages others to sing, bullies them to sing if they say no until they sing, hypes others up and carries the whole Karaoke call on their back.
4. #Chari4KaraokeBarkeeper
"So who won the Karaoke Barkeeper Award?"
"Duh, Chari"
A song so good that it has the potential to be a karaoke classic that everyone knows, loves, and wants to sing. The word was coined by singer/songwriter Camila Cabello during an interview with KiddNation (Jingle Ball show, Dallas, Texas, December 1, 2015).
That new song is so karaokable that it will definitely be available the next time we get drunk and do a karaoke night!