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keyboard warrior

A warrior who physically wields a keyboard as his main weapon.

That keyboard warrior beat the shit out of that guy with his keyboard.

by cosmiccountrynoir April 26, 2011

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Keyboard Hash

The pot, and detritus, (i.e. like crumbs of toast), that shakes out of a keyboard, and goes into a pipe.

I'm down to smokin' Keyboard Hash, it's toasty.

by frishy June 13, 2016

keyboard stuttering

Repeatedly attempting to correct a typo during a text chat, but then making the same typo.

Matt: Yo one T, any thoughts about my email this morning?
Mat: Yep, your mum is a slug.
Mat: *slug
Mat: slug
Mat: GAWD! I mean slag. Total keyboard stuttering.
Mat: But seriously, both work.

by WhiteLando October 21, 2013

Keyboard communist

A person who benefits from a capitalist, free market system, but champions communist programs on the internet to stick it to the bourgeoisie. In reality, they would never live in a socialist country or pick up a rifle and cull the dissidents.

You're such a keyboard communist, Todd, while you sip your $7 Starbucks latte in your BMW and tweet from your $1200 iPhone X on your way back from Whole Foods with your au pair. Taxation is theft, bitch!

by ThisIsAO January 14, 2018

Keyboard General

Any person who constantly advocates for the use of Military Force against any country that might be a threat to the USA. This person always posts memes or links calling for Military force or the actual use of Military Force. Yet when questioned this person inevitably has never been in the Military or has any plans for enlisting in any branch of the Military. When asked why they have never served or or when they plan to enlist, the Keyboard General will make up all sorts of asinine excuses why they cannot enlist or did not serve. They are basically cowards hiding behind their monitor and keyboards

"... Although Jerry was all for Military intervention in the Middle East in his posts, he was nothing more then a KEYBOARD GENERAL when it came to actually serving in the Military.."

by Spectre Eelman April 18, 2017

keyboard pattern

what happens when one is bored, most likely when attempting to do an important task such as homework.

advanced patterns also include numbers and special symbols

person 1: have you studied for the test? i need some answers

person 2: poqwlkasmnzxeidjcnrufhvbtyg

person 1: you good bro?

person 2: ghfjdkslavbcnxmztyrueiwoqp

person 1: keyboard pattern's?

person 2: no im just strangling myself

by your reall name March 24, 2021

keyboard grease

A build up of food grease that occurs when you are being a massive vagina and use a keyboard instead of a mic to comunicate when eating.

Andy: Oh no, i've got keyboard grease!
Olly: you silly sausage, you should be using your mic to comunicate not your keyboard.

by dah commie monster October 28, 2013