1. Being overly beast like.
2. Being insanely good in bed.
GF: How the hell did you break the toilet?
BF: I guess I was being too King Kong-ish.
GF: My BF was King-Kongish last night. It was amazing.
GF's friends: oooh, you go girl!
Do not watch Kong: King of the Apes. It is a pure bad example of a Netflix cartoon.
Pressing a bunch of hash together to make a paper to make a 100% Doobie
What should we call this Douglas?
King kongs cock
A massive shit that looks like a giant gorilla's clenched fist.
Fuck me, I've just shat out King Kong's fist.
sannue is a women who as the strength of a 10000000 thousand pound man she is also monstrous
sannue king kong just picked deebo up
The largest mammal booty to ever sit on this earth.
“You just got shit on! How does that King Kong Butt taste pleb?”
A massive, dunny blocking turd that requires the assistance of a foreign object before it will flush.
Mate, the King Kong choker I shat out this morning was so big I had to force it down with the toilet brush.