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this is when a girl gives a guy a blow-job when the guy is playing any call of duty game

Alexis is going to give ryan a cod-kin

by r-dawg1212 June 5, 2009

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The act of wretching so hard that you fart at the same time

'omg, did she just kin?'

by Kinal Patel January 12, 2017

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The term used to appropriate a large collection of friends and family, as well as acquaintances and buddies online, of which and whom you speak with via internet frequently.

"I apologize for losing track of time, I was catching up with my e-kin, a lot has changed in the past 4 months."

by Vyktor Sparx July 21, 2010

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The Kin Doll

The Kin Doll- When a sibling, cousin or any other close relative perform the act of intravenously injecting meth in to an hemroid around your butthole.

*This variation of a booty bump should only be performed by a trained professional or close family member.

*Do not perform this act unless you are prepared to fuck your sister.

Hey Earl, last night me and the misses took it to the next level when she hit me with The Kin Doll sure am glad she's my sister.

by October 31, 2022


The act of a blumpkin, and gamekin at one time.

Yo i got an Epic-kin last night, my life is fulfilled.

by The "beeb beeeb" kid December 7, 2010


A nickname designating a special for of affection, especially when searching out a loved one hiding in a closet or using the loo

Snookle-kins are you home?

by Vaurs85 June 28, 2023

Kin immersion

when you try to immerse yourself into one of your kins, whether this is through cosplay, doing what your kin does as their daily routine, changing your name to the character's name, or trying to induce dreams where you are your kin.

person 1: Hey Zoe, nice green jacket, is that new?
person 2: Yeah it is! BTW, can you call me Nepeta for the time being? I'm in the process of kin immersion.
person 1: Oh, sure thing Nepeta!

by lvntn January 28, 2022