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A mocking name for select men, who gives off a persona as invincible or the ultimate bad ass. The reference is both a loving gesture, an ego splitter, and giggle provoking.

Now now, pook-a-manator, we talked about this... You cannot take over the world on a school night.

by Treenbean3 June 21, 2011


A manatee is what we sometimes see when observing a well-formed floating turd in the toilet that at first glance appears to be just a ball, but that after glancing sideways we become aware is long and floating in a perfectly vertical position.

I wasn't that impressed when I first looked at my shit because it felt bigger, but then was kinda pleased with the length when I looked from a different angle. Bit of a manatee!

by HoldingForth February 2, 2024


When there’s a drunk thick women in a hot tub.

Hey guys let’s go fuck that manatee in the hot tub.

by The Ünit November 26, 2021


A brown herbivorous sea mammal that is home to Florida, and mainly the Everglades National Park

From time to time I dream that I’m a manatee
Undulating underneath the sea
Unshackled by the chains of idle vanity
A modest manatee, that’s me

I look just like a chubby, brown banana-tee
As I nose along the cozy ocean floor
Immune from human folly and inanity
That’s why a manatee is such a happy, herby bore

I’m a manatee, I’m a manatee
I’m every bit as wrinkled as my grannity
No difference between my face and fanity
A noble manatee, well, that’s me

With the dietary habits of a manatee
I never fail to lick my platter clean
I sprinkle seaweed on my raisin branity
The perfect manatee cuisine

With my wit, sophistication and urbanity
I dignify my watery domain
No one near will ever hear me use profanity
Because a manatee has his image to maintain

I’m a manatee, I’m a manatee
I keep my reputation spick and spanity
No difference between my face and fanity
A speakly manatee, well, that's me

Encumbered by my lumbering giganity
I’m thought to be an ocean going brute
The least appealing creature on the planety
But to a manatee, I’m cute

I prefer my world of silence and of sanity
But my underwater friends don’t all agree
For whenever I am dreaming I’m a manatee
Somewhere a manatee is dreaming that he is me

I’m a manatee, I’m a manatee
Outside the fold of boring old humanity
No difference between my face and fanity
I’m a rolly polly, jelly rolly, sugar bowly
Heart and souly manatee, that’s me

by bluestinger66 March 27, 2023


A soggy potato that moves slow and sleeps often. Also known as the cow of the sea or "sea cow". The soggy potato's only predator is a boat propeller which cause the "big ouch!".

You are like a Manatee. Manatee's are moving sea potatoes

by _pp2smol_ October 25, 2018


1. The common name denoting a fully aquatic, dark grey creature that is largely herbivorous. Manatees can weigh up to 1,000 lbs and have an average lifespan of upwards of 60 years (in the wild). Manatees use their paddle-tails and flippers to navigate through the water. They are very gentle creatures and often exhibit friendly behavior around humans.

Manatees are also known as sea cows. They belong in the genus Trichechus, which contains three surviving species.
Threats that beset manatees include pollution, irresponsible fishing, and climate change, all of which are deleterious to their habitat and means of recourse.

1. Snooty—who unfortunately passed away in 2017, two days after his 69th birthday—was the world's oldest manatee.

by Mikishi June 9, 2021


what cameron thought tas was for four years… an UGLY SLOTH.

you were a manatee now you’re a mermaid

by imsohqppy December 29, 2023