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Mattress bunny

The opposite of a pillow princess. Always giving never receiving.

That girl is definitely a mattress bunny.

by hazeleyedbeauty22 August 7, 2021

Squaddie Mattress

A girl who likes to have sexual encounters with members of the armed forces, usually from the army. More often than not during/after a night out when they’ve just met them.

A lot of girls in Darlington are squaddie mattresses, they like the boys from Catterick Garrison!

by QuakerOatsReadyBrek November 23, 2017

Beaver Mattress

A feminine napkin, specifically a Maxi-pad

I got's to go to da store & buy me some beaver mattresses - gettin' kinda runny down dere!

by Blorb2! April 14, 2012

shared mattress

A girl that sleeps around, whom "everyone" can sleep with.

Derived from a Norwegian military expression "felles madrass" .

That girl Megan is such a shared mattress, did you hear that she slept with 5 different guys at her last party?

by 18382 August 24, 2009

mattress of snow

the pile of snow left on top of a car after the owner(s) have cleared the windows off. This pile of snow closely resembles a mattress on top of the car and sits in the same place as a mattress would.

This pile of snow is usually left on the car by incompetent assholes who don't understand that when the snow falls off it could hurt someone.

Did you see that mattress of snow on that mini-van?

Yeah, that shit nearly hit my windshield

by J-Bob 92 January 12, 2011

Mattress Nook

The divot in a mattress caused by sleeping in the same spot repeatedly.

Person A: "Man, I really need to sleep in a different spot once in a while. I had to climb out of my mattress this morning."

Person B: "Sounds like you have a pretty serious mattress nook

by J-Soul December 8, 2010

mattress tester

1. Noun: Slang for prostitute

Did you have a good time last night?
Yeah I want back to see that mattress tester

by dickmagee November 19, 2014