Valdbjart is a really good person, who is always happy to welcome kids to his van. Although not many of them comes back, we think he sends them to a necrofile.
Said by one typically when in the state of 2nd hand embarrassment when someone around them is acting completely and utterly retarded for no apparent reason
18 year old: Acts like a 5 year old
Person: Have you taken your morning meds?
Nabb Med Deagle (NMD)
Fyfaen for en nabb med deagle han der er
Med-time- the time of day when people ingest chemicals intended to aid in sleep.
My wife was asking for sex but it was med-time. Sorry honey I'm getting ready for bed.
All of my patients get excited just around med-time. It's the highlight of there day.
My kids are a nightmare I cannot wait for med-time.
When you cum hard on a ritz cracker.
Lucas, do you like ritz kjeks med mannemelk?
Lucas: Havent heard of him
This expression describes the futile attempt to achieve something grand or ambitious with inadequate or unrealistic resources. The imagery of trying to "brush clouds," which represents a vast and lofty goal, with a "feather," an object too delicate and ineffective for such a task, highlights the impracticality and likely failure of the endeavor. It suggests that the tools or methods being used are far too weak or insufficient to accomplish the desired outcome, making the effort almost absurd in its lack of feasibility. The saying translated to english roughly means "brushing clouds with a feather"-Ulf Skönberg
Context: Two colleagues, Anna and Mark, are discussing Mark's plan to revamp the entire company's software system with a very limited budget.
Anna: "So, you really think you can overhaul the entire software system with just that small budget?"
Mark: "I know it’s tight, but I think we can manage if we cut a few corners."
Anna: "Mark, that sounds like trying to "brush clouds with a feather". The budget just isn’t enough for something this big."
Mark: sighs "You’re probably right. I guess I need to either scale back the project or push for more funding."
Anna: "Exactly. With the right tools and resources, you can achieve a lot more. But with what you have now, it’s going to be a struggle."
Sammanhang: Två kollegor, Anna och Mark, diskuterar Marks plan att förnya hela företagets mjukvarusystem med en mycket begränsad budget.
Anna: "Så, du tror verkligen att du kan se över hela mjukvarusystemet med bara den lilla budgeten?"
Mark: "Jag vet att det är tight, men jag tror att vi kan klara oss om vi skär några hörn."
Anna: "Mark, det låter som att försöka "stryka moln med fjäder". Budgeten räcker helt enkelt inte till något så här stort."
Mark: suckar "Du har förmodligen rätt. Jag antar att jag måste antingen minska projektet eller driva på för mer finansiering."
Anna: "Precis. Med rätt verktyg och resurser kan du uppnå mycket mer. Men med det du har nu kommer det att bli en kamp."
When you are trying to write, "Kill me", but don't want to sound suicidal.
Person 1: *Types in journal* "Kill me".
Person 1: That sounds suicidal, should change.
Person 1: *Adds d*
Person 2: Ahh thank god you only want to kill meds
Person 1: hehehehe he will never know