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pocket mining

masturbating by putting your hand in your pocket and playing with yourself through the fabric

"Oi, Smith, stop pocket mining and pay attention!"

by FuryouMiko December 23, 2017

19๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Frame of mine

The "personal" picture or pictures hidden deep inside the files of every cell phone on the planet. The pictures are generally self-portraits taken in the mirror of one's own filthy bathroom.

Franco Genovese: Man, does EVERYONE take pictures of their junk and keep them in their cell phones?
Malibu Jackson: Yeah! Here's a frame of mine!
Franco Genovese: Dude! You should get that mounted!

by Genovese, Franco September 27, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

wank mining

searching for or downloading porn

I found a video of your mom fucking a black guy when i was wank mining last night

by Reine January 3, 2008

32๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

My mine

A lame expression coined by some random guy in 2008, and has apparently been used only by him since then. Egyptians, however, are trying to bring this term back to life currently after being mentioned in a video that went viral on social media, and it's become a linguistic hot potato. Being unable to understand what all the freaking fuss is about, I still don't consider this creepy expression correct, and I don't think it should be used on any possible occasion. Remarkably, many English teachers in Egypt, including sophisticated ones, still claim it is correct!!! Do you have ANY CREDIBLE EVIDENCE?? Come forward.

"My mine" is not a thing! I mean unless u have a real mine lol

by 3abed April 13, 2020

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Music Mining

The act of listening to large quantities of music in order to find the "gems", or the songs you like.

"I've been Music Mining all day, and everything I've listened to is trash."

by PicoRiley September 14, 2014

Mine Bitch

BitchCoin is the best cryptocurrency available today

Hey dude, forget bitcoin. Mine bitch!

by NightFury97 March 16, 2018

Couch Mining

To scrounge for coins, pens, or or other small objects typically found under the cushions and/or inside the gaps of a couch or chair.

JOHN: Hey Pete, you gotta extra fifty cents for a small pizza?

PETE: I think so, lemme just lift a cushion here and do a little couch mining for change.

by Mr Tango Jones February 2, 2010