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a popular yet overrated website that you can create virtual pets on and practically live a second life through.

TNT are the goverment of the neopian world and they run it very stictly. For example in Neopia if you swore or made one little mistake you would be given the death sentance
That's right if you make one little mistake your banished, your pets are killed and the only way of getting back in is by reincarnating yourself with a new account name, new pets, new gallery. Everything.

TNT are evil, they don't forgive people, lot's of the time they execute you without even one single warning. People make mistakes we can't help it. Also it's quite hard too memorise every single rule, so the risk of breaking a rule is very high.

The makers are such jerks that most people wouldn't want too be helping them too get money. QUIT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.

Innocent neopian: Hi i'm new here at the boards and I just luvve NEOPETS. IT ROKS!

Fc "literates": No. You are a NOOB! you are illiterate. You are dumb because you don't bother too type perfectly. Go too the noobs board! Quit begging no ones going too be your neofriend when your that pathetic.

Innocent neopian: :( you guys suck!

TNT to innocent neopian: Your account has been frozen for use of insults and swearwords. Say goodbye too your painted pets, and million neopoints that you spent soo long earning. :) Your execution will proceed immediatly.

by Porridgey March 12, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used to be cool, 4 years ago... But now is pure crap. Why? This is why:

1-The commerzalition
Neopets used not to have commercials all
around every page, now, it has. If you go to Neopets you'll see 2 or 3 commercials in
every relationated page.

2-The n00bs
Neopets boards are so crappy. They deleted
the General Chat which used to be cool.
Now in the boards you'll see nothing but 7
year old n00bs who say:"plz b6 mY gIr1f66d".

3-Sponsor games
Almost all the new games are just promotion. Something like "SPIN THE WHEEL!". Also the new games that aren't
sponsor games, are just a friggin' rip-off
from any other game.

Now in Neopets people get freezed for no
reason. For example, you are in the chat
and you say:"Madonna sucks, I prefer
Linkin Park." equals to: Get freezed.

5-TNT favorites
TNT has their "special users" who are
defended by them, no matter how many rules
they break, they'll never be freezed.
By the other side, normal users don't do
anything, and they got freezed.

6-Obscene TNT
If you post a picture of your pet very but
VERY dressed, you got freezed. Meanwhile
TNT post their faeries and mermaids almost
naked, showing the "you know what"
everywhere in the website.

This are only ones of the reasons why Neopets sucks...
Also, many Neopets users must be fat,
lifeless bastards who think that it's awesome. So, if you want to be thin,
popular and smart, don't I mean DON'T play Neopets.

In the Neopets board...
n00bie user:OMG!1!!1one I g0t a cybuNNy!!1!
Dude: Calm down. It isn't so much awesome...
n00bie user:ZOMG r3p0t1nG y4 n00b!

by not7yearoldn00b March 28, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


new age neopet religion

adopted by many middle school children and people who play with magic cards

garth: "did you see klaus yet? i wanted to trade a level 72 magic card with him."
ina: "idk ever since he converted to neopetism, he's been playing neopets nonstop"

by Jocelyn Wildenstein June 10, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a popular yet overrated website that you can create virtual pets on and practically live a second life through.

TNT are the goverment of the neopian world and they run it very stictly. For example in Neopia if you swore or made one little mistake you would be given the death sentance
That's right if you make one little mistake your banished, your pets are killed and the only way of getting back in is by reincarnating yourself with a new account name, new pets, new gallery. Everything.

TNT are evil, they don't forgive people, lot's of the time they execute you without even one single warning. People make mistakes we can't help it. Also it's quite hard too memorise every single rule, so the risk of breaking a rule is very high.

The makers are such jerks that most people wouldn't want too be helping them too get money. QUIT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.

Innocent neopian: Hi i'm new here at the boards and I just luvve NEOPETS. IT ROKS!

Fc "literates": No. You are a NOOB! you are illiterate. You are dumb because you don't bother too type perfectly. Go too the noobs board! Quit begging no ones going too be your neofriend when your that pathetic.

Innocent neopian: :( you guys suck!

TNT to innocent neopian: Your account has been frozen for use of insults and swearwords. Say goodbye too your painted pets, and million neopoints that you spent soo long earning. :) Your execution will proceed immediatly.

by Porridgey March 13, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


one who plays neopets :D

Heidi - "I wish I was a neopeter."

by Kailee Crip, son! August 13, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) A virtual pet site that has various games and puzzles that you can solve in order to earn neopoints. There are numerous creatures you can adopt and strange worlds you can visit. The site is family friendly with a wide age range, although mostly appealing to the younger generation.

2) Any of the animals that can be adopted from neopets.com.

3) A site that has become more and more focused on merchandise and less on the player base, and has thus has become associated with a wide line of plush toys and other items.

1) Faerieland is a virtual world found at Neopets.

2) I have three Neopets: a cybunny, a draik, and a moehog!

3) My Neopets collection consists of several plushies and a voice-activated toy.

by Lina Blade June 13, 2004

79๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


An anoying creature from neopets.com which is an nerdy, childish yet addicting website

My neopet can go fuck himself for all i care

by A person that hates MTV March 24, 2005

54๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž