Source Code



sedri6tf7uogiyphijpu8y0t796r84537462wserdictof8ypg9;uih;/gutlrkdt,ilcghkeysutxrciytufvogypu;of,iyltkudrxfmcgvutyi8965tgwihp3t ZBGYNHUJK<:PLOKMIJNHBGVFDSRXDTFCYGKVLHB:"JOU(&*^&%^$#$%WETRSYDFL:G?OFY&R^TD%KRSYXFCUGLVH:BJ"NH*&PO^I&^U%EJYKDTULFIY:GU"O?

by TroxtenFlamerainTramidaleSEXY May 14, 2022

2👍 3👎


A money laundering cult of socialist fanatics who claim that paying hundreds of billions of pounds in a year to not even be able to speak to a GP, let alone get any decent treatment, is somehow better than having a sameday appointment with a doctor of your choosing. Frequently criticises other health models that outperform it in all meaningful metrics, such as patient outcomes. The worst "healthcare" system on the planet. A slush fund for pharmaceutical companies at taxpayer expense. Makes it next to impossible to afford private care as it soaks up all your money in taxes, and doesn't even give accurate information so you can claim on private insurance.

1 -

IngSoc: We will close tax avoiding loopholes to fund the NHS!
Billionaire donor: But our moneyz!
IngSoc: Don't worry, we'll recycle it back to you through dodgy contracts on the NHS money laundering scheme!

2 -

Pro NHS propaganda: The only blemish on the NHS is its poor record on keeping people alive!

by null1984 April 28, 2024


*no hating shit* when you talk down on someone but don’t wanna be a hater

Me : ooouu Jessica look at her sweater it’s kinda cute

Jessica : it’s not that cute it looks itchy

Me : wow rude much

Jessica : nhs

Me : oh okay

by Icj.keke June 27, 2019


No hating sh*t

She ain’t even that cute nhs

by Icj.keke June 27, 2019


The NHS or the National Health Service is a free healthcare unit within the UK

The NHS are facing major budget cuts after Theresa May was elected.

by Girls_Like_Girls_Like_Boys_Do July 30, 2018


Upcoming discord packing clan made by gunner and hellhound

Yo have you heard of that new packing clan called #NH (NAZI HOUNDS) that gunner and hellhound made?

by theofficialhellhound November 20, 2023

Dover NH

town that sucks a little less than it did in the 90s. Built an 87 million dollar high school but cant afford to pave the roads downtown. Where to people that cant afford to live in Portsmouth go, but at least we ain't Rochester. For being the oldest settlement in NH, its surprising how little progress has been made.

"you wanna go to Dover NH?"
"hell no"

by whatsligm_a October 29, 2021