Source Code

Hobo strange

To have intimate relations with a person of any gender that would be considered so grody, that, upon commencement of such inglorious deeds you feel compelled to give said person a sandwich and five dollars.

"Dude, where's my five bucks?"

"Sorry man, I'm out."

"What do you mean, you're out?"

"I got some hobo strange last night and I just needed to give that bitch five bucks."

"Man, you tapped that?!? That was nasty!"

by Droz72 May 29, 2013

indoor hobo

Someone who lives in a house but is still a scruffy little bum.

Someone with a house but no awareness of looking and acting like a tramp.

Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson.

"Get the fuck away from me you fucking indoor hobo, you have a house so have a fucking wash"

by Hector Knox June 25, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ -1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hobo Beard

A bird nest like mess which invades the bottom third of the host's face. The hobo beard is an opportunistic entity often clutched to the cheeks, chin, ears, and upper lip of the host...however, it cannot be contained and therefore has no limits of growth. It closely resembles untamed pubic hair in texture and appearance.

Can you actually SEE Chad's face behind that hobo beard?!

by Giggityy November 23, 2011

Code Hobo

When a homeless person(Hobo) pops through a classroom vent, door, window,any kind of opening, no matter how big or small or small beware...and instead of Code Red or Yellow or something, you standd up and yell "CODE HOBO" and everyone quickly gets up, digs into their pockets and offers spare change.
That, that is Code Hobo.

teacher: "yeah so class its thyme for math"

{Hobo peeks head through vent}

Mohammed: oi! CODE HOBO

by :v aweh December 8, 2010

57๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

internet hobo

1. Someone who is using thier neighbor's/hotel across the road's wi-fi internet.

My friend just bought a new high power wi-fi card so he can connect to the neighbors wi-fi and is now an offical internet hobo.

by Ramiel Rowe August 8, 2005

1881๐Ÿ‘ 319๐Ÿ‘Ž


Terrible stains on teeth - from Neglect, Alcohol and/or Drug abuse, and the constant spewing of Verbal Diarrhea.

"I`m a Great guy, but my Hobo-Teeth made Him so sick - He just up and dumped me!"

by Greg Peebles January 1, 2006

262๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gordy The Hobo

A lonely hobo that wanders the streets at night scrounging around for food and to fine a shelter to seek refuge in for the night.

hey Gordy ... I'm going to burn down your cardboard box.

by Nitz June 29, 2003

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