A promise that is made to seal the deal with the hottie you met at your friend's house boat party that you'll never forget her no matter how bad your Alzheimer's gets.
I went to visit Jason at the marina. There was a chick there named Shawna that I gave the boat nook to. At least I think her name was Shawna.
To take substance, primarily in the form of, but not limited to: Fish, berries, insects, money, and your essence
He’s been Nooking you for $40 since last Friday, now where is it?
A character in the animal crossing game series who is known for being financially greedy. He is a raccoon that charges high prices for housing.
Man my bank is worse than nook the crook!
Toomy nooks is a large ribbed, morbidly obese medically ill ginger. Usually they are rebellious and spend their lives hibernating in the edm. Often they are acused for broken projectors
Did you hear the roof was broken! I bet it was a toomy nooks!
The creepy janitors closet in a school near you. Mostly always has a janitor named Neal working there. Strawberry yogurt is often found there because his pet mollusk loves it.
"Hey Jon, lets go to Neal's Nook!"
" No man, his mollusk is probably eating in there! It's creepy!"