Source Code

pock-o rock-o

short for "pocket rocket" aka a dildo

She was buzzin wit her pock-o rock-o in school.

by Audiomaster March 11, 2004

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Eric Cartman's Spelling of jew

Cartman: Goddamnit, maybe we cant get to heaven cause he is here with us!
Stan: What?
Cartman: Cause one of us is a j-o-o, joo
Kyle: Shut the fuck up cartman!

by Tank February 20, 2003

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The Universal geek smiley.

Geek 1: Did you see the last Star Trek episode?
Geek 2: Only like a gajillion times!
Geek 1: (O-O)y

by Darksushi May 27, 2005

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O o na

Pronounced "Oh-Oh-Nah". A phrase usually coined by Filipino's to say "OK". Usually used in slang to close friends or family members in an annoyed or sarcastic manner. Can be said as just "Oh oh, oh oh." When given a tasks or command.

Mom: "Hey! Stop dropping rice on the floor! You always create such a mess!"
Son: "O o na..."

Friend: "Man! I just finished my workout! My gun's are HUGE!"
Friend: "Hah hah. O o, O o na. Whatever you say."

by Ricebowl Lee July 22, 2009

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A person of Jewish descent. The term is used when in public and it's not appropriate to spell or say J-E-W.

That bastard ripped me off, what a J-O-O.

by Sha Grif Grif September 24, 2003

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O o f

The Roblox death sound made into a meme. Lots of people use it to replace certain words in popular songs, and in texting when one wants to express being disgruntled or tired.

'I have to do chores, o o f. BRB in like 20'

by BisexualFlamethrower October 23, 2017

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A longer form of yep or yes when either of those don't quite convey the point quite enough.

Can be used to emphasize over-the-topness.

A)Are you sure.
A)Are you sure that you're sure.

by the-mathmagician June 10, 2008

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