Source Code

oky doky

The way that everyone who ain't retarded says "ok homie i understand"

person 1: Okie dokie is the correct way to spell oky doky

person 2: No it's not you are an actual retard oky doky is correct

by Swasomejack September 24, 2017

14๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Okie Tuxedo

Toilet seat covers widely distributed in public restrooms to protect your skin from bacterial contact.

Please, only ONE Okie Tuxedo per customer.

Okie Tuxedos, ONE per customer PLEASE.

by jiminton December 24, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

okie dokie

In basketball, an okie-dokie is when the player (typically a point guard) swings the ball behind his back like he's going to do a no-look behind-the-back pass. Instead, he swings it back around to where he started from and, usually juking the defender, he is able to either make a break towards the basket or make a better pass.

guy 1: wow fisher didn't even fall for rondo's okie dokie
guy 2: yeah, the celtics are bitches

by mguy55 June 4, 2010

95๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž


To prey on the willing ignorance of the public by misreprsenting one's own activities by diverting attention onto others thereby preventing outsiders from seeing the truth.

Barack Obama admonishes his own supporters to not buy into the oki-doke of others even when his entire political campaign itself was a long string of oki-dokes.

by PW1 May 23, 2008

27๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

okie doke

The act of receiving oral sex, without giving any in return.

"I got that dumbass bitch with a Okie Doke"

by CharlesVA April 14, 2006

80๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oki x

When you snap the hottest tiktok user in the school and he responds with oki x, as he is watching fast and furious 1.

Oki x, I gtg have dinner bby hopefully u reply. x

by Dardy Daddy September 13, 2021


Where one man pulls his erect penis from a sloppy cum filled pussy or ass, then takes said cock and rubs your partners face with the sloppy cock!

She's going to enjoy that sloppy Okie after it dries.

She asked for a dirty Sanchez ,but got the Sloppy Okie instead!!!

by Sir Pokes-alot April 1, 2017