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Small dick

Usually a 3 to 4 inch penis.
A.k.a josh
This is when you bust before she feels it even though it is already in. Girls say they don't care but obviously they do.

Is it a boy
IDK get the microscope .

It's a boy he just has a small dick

by Leftnutpoped April 12, 2017

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Freddie Smalls

One of the most feared and respected rappers of all time; one that Eminem was too afraid to diss. He has won countless Oscar Awards in the future, inspiring people to discuss controversial subjects in society (or cower with fear).

Other common titles for him include, "Who da hell're you," "I'm calling the cops," "Prisoner-420," etc.

YOYOYO It's me Freddie Smalls! *Starts rapping about abortion*

by ur mom gei like ali a March 5, 2020

Small Name

A person of low significance or little importance

people who offer little to no quality chat are small names, also annoying individuals like justin bieber are small names

by Henry "No Roots" Shand May 25, 2011

Small Bone

Casual easy - even relaxing - sex

Some would go so far as to say a side order of sex or an appetizer if you will.

Shaniqua - "I'm exhausted, can we do something relaxing?"

Mortimer - "Small bone?"

by Nick Iodice November 22, 2010

Johnny Smalls

(noun) A hand rolled cigarette containing tobacco and marijuana, a Johnny Smalls is essentially a spliff rolled with a normal sized Rizla, rather than a king skin.

Carter: Have you got some weed left?
Williams: Yeah
Carter: D'you fancy a spliff?
Williams: Don't have enough for a king, but we can nail a quick Johnny Smalls if you like?

by Felix27 September 2, 2007

Small but mighty

A person under 5"6 that will rip your head off if you piss them off

"Look at that shorty over there"
"Yeah some say shes small but mighty"

by Sweaterkid February 3, 2019

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small fry

a disrespectfull term used to describe any smaller tag along trying to act older or grown up because they want to fit in and gain undeserved respect. its opposite is big fry. as you ain't no big fry yet

hey kid your still just a small fry why dont you run on home

by saxe malice March 24, 2007

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