Source Code

pac man

nintendo mrs.pac man retro gamer video games what kesslan loves

The cute little yellow dude that I have always assumed is married to Mrs.Pac Man. His life consists of eating little dots while saying"waka waka waka" and running from colorful ghosts!

Pac man is very very twee.

by have_you_hugged_larae_today? October 12, 2005

42πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Pac Sun

A store that has some clothes that are un-preppy enough to wear.

guy1: dude look at this shirt.
guy1: yea its so cool and its only 15 dollars
guy2: sweet

by ? March 25, 2005

90πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


When a women "gobbles" a mans testicular, and while doing so tries saying "waka waka waka", if she fails to recite said phrase, the man may slap her.

I just got PAC Maned by this bitch! Which was my friends mom...

by pac man master September 2, 2010

32πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

ice pac

Ice Pac is the genetically engineered son of Ice Cube and Tupac. Loves cold climates. Cannot talk, due to the lack of a functioning mouth.

Ice Pac was made using two sperm, explaining why he is not a proper human being, but rather a semi-solid ooze that has to be encased in plastic film and kept in the freezer.

by RoseThourne June 4, 2007


A person that is a total, snobby jerk/bully and likes to steal gum.

Jeremy's such a pac-jacker; I mean, he's always looking through my backpack to take some of my gum!

by Ameena Turnee July 18, 2010

Code PAC

Code PAC-- means 'parents are coming', so while on the phone with a friend and you are talking about something private, and you hear your parents coming, just say "code PAC" to change the subject.

*On facetime*
Julie: …and then me and Mack were about to have sex
Kate: code PAC
Julie: oh, and then me and Mack went out on a ride, in his car

by KT008 August 15, 2021

to pac that up

to speed a thing or a work up

man that nigga duke is a lame ass muthaphucka on writin his lyrics. he has to pac that up!

by bnk July 12, 2007