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schloop schloop ping a pang bong

To play a vigorous game of monopoly.

"Hey, want to come to my place later and schloop schloop ping a pang bong?"
*gets slapped in the face*
"I guess she doesn't like monopoly."

by Jammaaal September 13, 2011

61👍 1👎

a ching chong ming pong pang ling ling

Ur mom

X: hey bro ur mom texted you
Y: what did she say?
X: a ching chong ming pong pang ling ling
Y: yeah right, gimme that
*sees text*
Y: wtf

by Some.romaniandude July 12, 2022

1👍 1👎

hen pang chien

The act of dropping a coin from one's hand while pretending to drop it from the other hand. An advanced coin magic principle used to simulate having produced a coin from the air.

After displaying that you clearly only have one coin in your hand, perform hen pang chien while openly dropping the coin from the other hand to make it appear as if a second coin appeared.

by assfuck96420360nosc0p3 November 19, 2016

ping pong pung pang

a terrible sport that only really dumb people play that uses a wooden table and two racquets that can be broken easily

he is really bad at ping pong pung pang

by BorisTucker July 17, 2017

1👍 1👎

Pang Seh

(Singapore, informal) To deliberately miss an agreed appointment, especially at the last minute.

It's a Singaporean slang which is adapted from the Hokkien language. Basically means to cop-out. If you plan to raid Molten Core in the game, World of Warcraft, with your friends but they decided to back out at the last minute.

In the Chinese format, the Synonym for Pang Seh would be, 放飞机

NMMF: Let's play World of Warcraft
Humbaobao: Ok

10 days later
NMMF Last Online: 5 days

Humbaobao English: Wah, you Pang Seh
Humbaobao Chinese: 你放飞机

by humbaobao November 2, 2020

pang seh

Verb: (Singapore, informal) To deliberately miss an agreed appointment, especially at the last minute.

It's a Singaporean slang, adapted from Hokkien. Basically means to cop-out. If you intended to raid Molten Core in World of Warcraft with your friends but he decided to back out at the very last moment. In Chinese, you will usually hear it as the phrase "放飞机", which literally means the same thing.

NMMF: Let's play WoW together
Aaron: Ok

NMMF - Last Online: 5 days

Aaron English: Wah, pang seh
Aaron Chinese: Wah, 你放飞机

by humbaobao November 2, 2020

Teng Pang Cheng

Woah if u have this name congratulations my friend. People with this name is on the epitome of society, the sheer amount of charisma within him overflows.God and men tremble as he walks the face of earth. Women flock to him like iron shavings to a magnet. On a deeper note, he is handsum.

Truth to be told, the sun was created the other day when he snapped his fingers; the violent gales of nature appeared when he farted; the ocean came about when he drooled in his sleep and mountain ranges formed from his nail clippings.

Walao if only i was as awesome as Teng Pang Cheng my life would be complete

by HandsumBoi 99 November 22, 2021