A pep rally is to have sex with someone. It is a common use of slang in mississauga, ontario.
You: Wow, that broad is hot
Me: Yeah, i agree. I would love to have a pep rally with her.
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A smoothy containing bananas, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, molasses, and yogurt that was popularized in the Seattle area during the 1970s.
My father concocts his morning pep-up each day before yoga class.
Post-Exercise Poop Talk: The only time you give enough of a fuck to read and respond your wife's DMs, because you're too otherwise too bored from blowing through the porcelain already
I thought my nigga actually be taking time to message me but the whole time he was just sitting there giving me a pep talk
Mostly used by the YouTuber gloom. It was used in her video making kids lunches.
I’m put some salt and pep in meh soup
Fuck jeg er sulten, jeg bestiller lige en pep med drelle.
a long pepperoni stick that you buy at the till at gas stations
ayo poodle let’s walk to the store at lunch and get a pep stick