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THE Prank For Teachers

THE Prank For Teachers is when you ask the teacher, "can I go to the bathroom?" and the teacher replies like a cunt and says "I dOn'T kNoW! cAn YoU??". So, the best way to go about this problem is to take a shit on the teacher's desk.

Dude, in my senior year, I am going to pull off THE Prank For Teachers!

by MomPounder3000 October 5, 2020

prank pizza

when a prankster calls up a pizza parlor and orders one or more (preferably a large and expensive amount) pizzas with their cell phone with a restricted number, giving another person's address to the pizza parlor so that the victim will unexpectedly find a pizza delivery boy with pizza and a very large bill


Dude 1: dude i just got like 15 pizzas delivered to my house with a bill totaling 300 bucks. I didn't even order any pizza what the fuck!?

Dude 2: dude you just got a bunch of prank pizzas

by bigbadbarbash April 28, 2011

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The incorrect pronounciation of prank-a-tizzie

You were SO prank-a-tized

by Carmen September 15, 2004

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Morman prank

A prank that doesn't do much other than slightly annoy people

Person 1: Why did you stop my microwave before it finished?
Person 2: it's a morman prank!

by big flee April 23, 2019

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Russian Prank

A prank carried out in public, often at the physical or emotional expense of the prankee.

Examples of Russian Pranks:

1) Setting fire to a newspaper someone is reading
2) Pulling a carpet out from someone's feet, causing them to fall
3) Dropping water on someone's head from a balcony
4) Pushing a person standing on a dock into the water
5) Putting a bucket on the head of a sleeping person, then waking them abruptly
6) Throwing a cat into someone's car

by russianprankster November 8, 2011

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lyric prank

It's the most stupid type of prank played by pieces of shit who want to get more views on Youtube. Usually, the only people to fall for these "pranks" are fucking idiots or people who HAVE LIVED UNDER A FUCKING ROCK FOR 10 FUCKING MONTHS. WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE EVEN BELIEVE THIS BULLSHIT, IT'S ALL FUCKING FAKE!!!! srry...


Guy 2: fuk you

by wutdouwant July 30, 2017

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prank call

the reason i unhook my phone every night, fuckers

i hate prank calls, i write down the number and tell the police, cause im sick to death of them

by EEwisewolf April 27, 2008

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