the prayer bowl is all of the prayer in a certain place, take a classroom for example, focused into one signfied prayer bowl
people that pray are this "prayer bowl" are granted good fortune for eternity
The monks quietly kneel before the prayer bowl in order to acheive true happiness.
1. An action that causes immediate aggravation and hostility from those around you
Origin- Slang term for the spell "Prayer of Healing" used by priests in World of Warcraft. In early versions of the game, it was infamous for generating large amounts of aggro, making it almost unusable in group or raid settings. Later updates have lessened the amount or importance of aggro, but the name is still used in some circles.
see also- aggro bomb
"Things were going great until I cast prayer of aggro and I got rofled by adds!"
The asr prayer prayed just after noon it's the 3rd of five formal daily prayers performed by practicing muslims, the formal daily prayers of Islam comprise different numbers of units called rak'at, the asr prayer has 4 obligatory rak'at, the first two fard rak'at are prayed aloud, and the 3rd and 4th prayed silently.
Ahmed: did you go for the asr prayer today?
Ali: yes, the mosque was full of people today.
When someone prays over you without consent or ignoring your objection.
Religious person: Can i pray for you?
Me: No thank you.
Religious person : *puts hands over me and starts to pray.
Me: Dude, you just prayer raped me!
Girls who are seemingly innocent are often the most kinky.
Dude I heard she goes to church with her family every Sunday.
You know what they say, Prayers are Sprayers.
One of the many socially acceptable brush off tactics the "thoughts and prayers(™)" generation defaults to Whenever there is something wrong in the world.
"All these hurricanes, school shootings, violent video games, Homer sexuals getting married, this world's got a prayer problem."
You know what Debbie? You are absolutely right. This world does have a prayer problem. In the sense your generation would rather rely on thoughts and prayers to put out a house fire than treat people with basic human dignity or get up off of your ass and try to make this world a better place. Now quickly, go make a hundred Facebook posts about this prayer problem and make yourself look like a bigger inbred dipshit.