When a man takes 1 or 2 of his testicles and squeezes in extra skin of his scrotum under the balls creating an illusion of a quail breast.
Man 1: (turns around) “bro wtf put your sack away”
Man 2: that’s an Oklahoma quail breast.
One who at work will forage in the undergrowth of desks searching for uneaten lunches etc.
"Where has my lunch gone?... It must have been a Phillip the Quail.
The picture of 2 females smiling together in a fake and extremely sad attempt to befriend one another although they are enemies due to same love interest.....
Those quail gut broads over there are acting like besties.... Taking pictures at the club.... Lol
When a man grabs the base of their scrotum making it look like a quail that has had all of the feathers plucked off of it.
Hello Jocelyn - have you ever seen a skinned quail?
The sexiest quail known to man.
Damn did you see how sexy that mountain quail was.
The style of masturbation used to represent the feather on the head of a quail. Palm down index finger loose and bent replicating the feather on a quail' s head.
I just got done doing the quail.
Bro, have you ever done the quail?