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i'll be damned the day that rap shows an actual side of aesthetic

by β™₯rockerβ™₯ October 14, 2008

21πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A pathetic excuse for a genre of music.

Process of making a rap song:

1.Play around with a keyboard until you come up with the most annoying "beat" you can possibly make.

2.Repeat that same beat over and over again throughout the whole song.

3.Talk (that's right, talk, not sing) over that same beat about bitches, drugs, sex, and anything else you can think of to corrupt the minds of 8 year old children.

Rap = Retards Attempting Poetry

by plcbhrqfhsd November 15, 2007

21πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A genre of music which involves steady beats and rhyming lyrics. Started in the early eighties and became popular with such groups such as Run D.M.C and Public Enemy. Then in the late eighties and early nineties a group named N.W.A. revolutionized the industry when they came up with ganster rap and released "Straight Outta Compton". From there the group spread creating their own groups and labels; Dr. Dre, perhaps the most successful leader of the group started "Death Row Records" with one of the greatest rappers ever, Tupac Shakur. After 2pac's death, Dre officially stated that the era of gansta rap was no more. Nearly every popular rapper on the west coast today is what they are thanks to Dr. Dre; 50 Cent, Eminem, and even The Game. The fact is that rap is not the same today as it was ten, fifteen years ago its changed to almost a complete different genre of music, for example: listen to "Eazy Duz It" and then compare it to "Red Tea" by Crime Mob. Completely different. Rap is generally listened by, but not limited to, African Americans but white people also listen to it as well, also not all African Americans like rap. It can go either way. The thing I hate are stupid ass rednecks and stuck up racists rockers who thinks rap is crap, the only reason they think that is through stereotypes and have probably only listend to a few seconds of some crappy stuff like "Get On My Level" or something by Fat Joe. If they actually sat down and listened to some N.W.A., Dr. Dre, Tupac, and Eazy, I'd guarantee they'd change their minds in an instant. All in all I hope that rap will continue to inspire and entertain us for many years to come.

It'd be a better world if we all listened to rap...

by The Real Definer November 4, 2005

217πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž


Rap is crap. Meaningless crap. The words are stupid.
These gangsters or wannabe gangsters need to get forced to listen to HEAVY METAL!! Haha.

Gangster: Yo yo yo was up homie lets listen to some rap

Rocker: Fuck you.

Dont have a good example lol.

by nvmnvmnvm April 28, 2007

29πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


a group of sounds and beats usually made by keyboards and a black person attempting to rhyme about sex,violence,gangs and drugs.it has a repeating beat and misuse of the English language.i really don't see how this kind of music can be so popular.

Person who listens to good music: what is that noise coming from shaquia's headphones?
PERSON#2: i think it's rap

by the devil loves you December 11, 2008

24πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž



rap sucks

by marsian September 8, 2008

24πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


it sounds like stupid, bcuz rap is total crap

Boy 1: ILUVRAP!!!
Boy 2: do you know what it means?
Boy 1: what???
Boy 2: (R)etards (A)ttempting (P)oetry

by TehAttorneyAtLawl September 1, 2008

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž