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When a millennial,GenXer, or Baby Boomer answers a GenZer's ridiculously dumb question with sarcastic exasperation.

"I asked my dad if Netflix was popular when he was a kid and he was so sarcasticate to me."

by ShamelessScotian February 6, 2021

*Insert sarcastic response*

YOU KNOW... You did it to every question I just asked.

Hym "Because you're not actually more mature, you're not more intelligent, and you're not BETTER. Your social skills are what get YOU laid. What gets YOU laid is spreading you legs for every fat cock you meet until you find one that's enough of a loser that he can't trade up. He's a fat cock but you're the best he can do and now I have to sit and listen to *insert sarcastic response* while a finger is wagged at me for BEING RIGHT. Your deserve it every time it happens you piece of shit."

by Hym Iam August 13, 2024


1. The knowledge that god and lucifer exists, the belief they are leading forces, and the understanding that there is an afterlife, but not caring whatsoever what they do.

2. Basically a between stance of athiesm and christianity, or athiesm and satanism

Person 1 - are you an athiest or a christian

Person 2 - ..im a sarcastist.

Person 1 - you mean a person of sarcasm?

Person 2 - oh mononono, im a sarcastist, the religion of sarcastism, where i dont give two shits about what god or satan does, even though i know they exist.

Person 1 - huh.. good to know!

by Ember Flamestorm December 24, 2022

The Sarcastic Nerdy Bestfriend

that one nerdy, but sarcastic best friend of the main character. they always get the main character into stuff and most likely are adorable brunette boys. some examples are felix weston from "love victor", stiles stilinski from "teen wolf" and benny weir from "my babysitter is a vampire".

i always like the sarcastic nerdy bestfriend more than the main character? like stiles, or felix from love victor!

by spaceghostee May 4, 2022


Rob Russ Palmore

Bob: I dont know what sarcastic is ?

by Sumsun May 7, 2018




by February 11, 2021


Another word for "incredibly fucking stupid".

"I really didn't mean you should jam your hand into the garbage disposal to cure the arthritis in your fingers. I was being sarcastic."

by ElCommissioner April 24, 2020