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Sass Master

One who has a lot of sass; one that is sassy.

"Woah man! Jeez what a Sass master.."

by Man123 August 25, 2012

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get sassed on

to be harassed and insulted, esp. if the remarks are founded upon the unbearable ugliness of the receiving party

Dude 1: Man, all the girls were making fun of Greg Sasso's ugly face last night.

Dude 2: Yea, he was gettin sassed on from the moment he entered the door to the moment his grape-jelly-and-cat-urine-covered body was thrown off the balcony and into the prickerbushes two stories below.

Dude 1: Man, I feel bad for that poor kid.

Dude 2: Nah he deserved it, he was frickin REEAAALLL ugly.

by Delicious April 4, 2005

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1. adjective; positive description of a seemingly indescribable event or thing
2. exclaimation; expression of a feeling of happiness, excitment, and intrigue.

1. "That party was so Jaka-sass!" or "Cindy is so jaka-sass!"
2. "Jaka-sass!"

by kyle and sasha November 2, 2007

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sass gallery

a gallery of people who are sassy. taken from peanut gallery.

Zoe: "Shannon, you were so ugly as a baby!"
Pam: "Ya you were ugly."
Shannon: " No need for comments for the sass gallery."

by sdepz March 8, 2011

Back sassing

Talking back rudely

I told u already to do it so stop back sassing me before I crack ya azz.

by DADEMON83 April 12, 2020

Sass Lord

Sass lord is the highest rank of sass one can achieve. They are the Bruce Lee of verbal scuffle, master of their craft. They thrive in chaotic skirmishes as they are the best at finding flaws in whatever you're saying, and if there's none, create ones. Picking a fight with a sass lord means you are fighting a losing battle, the more witnesses there are the more this statement stand since sass lords are professionals at getting everyone on their side against you.

Kid 1: *Starts making fun of random peoples*
Kid 2: Hey you should stop that before you catch the sass lord attention.
Sass Lord: *Cracks neck while making a self sufficient smile*
Kid 2: Oh shit mate you're done for. I'm out of here.

by APowerfulBeing January 21, 2021

artificial sass

Your white friend's sass that he obtained by emulating your black friend.

"Don't you DARE *snaps*, lay a finger on my cupcake" . "Dude, quit it with the artificial sass".

by jakedictionary August 30, 2018