When you tie each of your balls in a scrunchie (elastic bands are also acceptable), and then rest your scrotum on someone's head in a manner that makes the person look like Princess Leia Organa.
Things got so wild last night that Chad gave Daniel a scrotal Princess Leia.
My balls are so stretched and aching from giving Wesley that scrotal Pricess Leia
When you take a sip of champagne then gingerly, GINGERLY, stretch out the scrotum in such a way as to create a bowl shape then drip the champagne into the scrotal pool and make a toast to your man cause he the best.
My husband just asked me if I could give him a scrotal toast to cheer him up.
similar to brutality ... when a persons own verbal, physical or mental bollocks are inflicted or threatened towards another party i such a way as to cause "scrotality" with intent to harm, defraud or cause suffering to another ...
the way he dealt with the matter like that was sheer brutal bollocks , complete scrotality. how dare that scrote inflict his bollocks views on people so brutally
When one knicks ones nether regions as a gentleman. And there is a rampant leakage of haemoglobin via ones testes akin to the bouncing Betty’s destruction of German dams in WW2. I.e. when a self proclaimed idiot tries to pop a blood blister but opens up a capillary.
Christ alive! I’ve just sliced my ball sack. Absolute scrotal calamity.